
Since it was conceived in the late 1990s, the Technopôle Angus has been transformed from an industrial park into a welcoming, bustling, avant-garde district.

It is known locally and beyond for its vitality, the great quality of life it offers and its innovative sustainable-development achievements.


The Canadian Pacific Railway opened its largest factory in North America in East Montreal. For nearly a century, the Rosemont borough followed the cadence of the Angus Shops’ sirens. This would be the first illustration of the Canadian railway giant’s Welfare Working Policy designed to promote employee productivity. The factory offers some exceptionally modern facilities for the time, including cafeterias, libraries, health care services, etc.



As part of a wave of factory closures, CP Rail officially announced the end of the great industrial era of the Angus Shops. The Corporation de développement économique et communautaire Rosemont-Petite Patrie (CDEC) decides to inject new life into the site.



Following seven years of work and preparation, on September 8, 1998, the SDA broke ground and began restoring the Angus Locoshop, on the same site where locomotives were assembled 100 years prior.

2015 to 2017

2015 to 2017

Launching Léopold Beaulieu Square and the merchant alley on rue William-Tremblay. Both of these districts brought new local business offerings and restaurants to the area. Adding local and independent businesses to the Technopôle Angus led the community to enjoy the site and made it a more attractive area to live.



50% of the lots acquired by the SDA have been developed for and with the community in keeping with sustainable development principles. Construction on the eco-district begins, yielding a bustling site where residents, workers and business managers rub shoulders in a lively setting.


Inauguration of 3 new buildings: In Léopold Beaulieu Square at 4051 rue Molson, you will find the head office of lg2 — Canada’s largest independent creative agency, along with the Caisse d’économie solidaire. Cité Angus 1 — the first residential component at the Angus site. Cité médicale Angus, a new building located in the eco-district, housing several merchants, health care services and local businesses.

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The Technopôle Angus celebrates its 25th birthday! The neighborhood is now an exemplary living environment, with 3 residential buildings and more than 15 buildings housing businesses, shops and local services. And the adventure continues, since land is still available for development.