
31 July 2024 Events

Pour chaque mile de voie construit… Notre nouvelle exposition sur la place Michel Hébert

En partenariat avec Art Souterrain et Publicité sauvage, L’art s’affiche est un projet d’exposition d’affichage public, ayant pour objectif de rendre accessible l’art contemporain tout en dynamisant visuellement l’espace urbain. Des artistes…

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24 May 2017 Events

Rendez-vous Collectivités viables

Plusieurs partenaires, dont le GIEC, la Commission mondiale sur l'économie et le climat, le C40 se sont joint à Vivre en Ville dans le but d'appeler les villes en première ligne dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques. Cette année, les…

17 March 2017 Events

OCPM – Information Session

The Office de consultation de Montréal invites you to the information evening on the Phase II of our project the Technopôle Angus. This mixed eco-neighborhood project will allow the addition of three public spaces, the construction of 400 affordable…

16 November 2016 Events

Event Contact MTL X Technopôle Angus

On November 1st, the annual large gathering of Greater Montreal's ambassadors of Contact MTL was held at the Technopôle Angus. Several large companies, public figures and Quebec universities participated in the event to make our city and our…

20 September 2016 Events

Etsy’s creative market is back!

The Montreal Etsy Team will be hosting the 4thedition of the creative market at the Technopole Angus this weekend! The craft show will take place on Saturday, September 24, 2016 from 10pm to 6 pm AND on Sunday, September 25th from 10pm to 5pm. It…

7 October 2015 Events

A Neighbourhood Celebrates

MARIE DALLAIRE On September 16, 2015, SDA officially launched its project to beautify Technopôle Angus’s central greenspace with the opening of its first public square. Visitors and residents started arriving at 4 p.m. Were they drawn by the sweet…